

michael jackson die jor T^T

Michael Jackson had passed away yesterday...
what a shock n sad news for the fans of him.
when i heard the news from the radio,
me n my sis open our mouth big big n look at each other :(
what a waste laa...duuuhhhhh...
kolian T^T
Michael aa...
wish u one road good walk haa :-(

today hang out with chunkeong,jinyen,ahbee,ahyang n huai.
we went auto city just now..
we go eat eat n chat chat~
dhen me n ahbee ''throw'' all of the boys away
n we go shopping behind auto city.

jinyen n chunkeong

mr. huai

the 2 pretty ladies.
[lu beh paiseh eh a?]

'tuala' look dress.
wanzi will say that.

me so sway a, i tell u all..
i take dress n try liao a
i all dunwan buy eh lor.
just try siok dhen take picture
hehe :P naughty me.

after the weekends.
i have many assignment n presentation lor>''<
YER!!!!boh siok eh college life.
